Original Item: One-of-a-kind: Tech/4 Richard M. Jaymes (ASN 43021302). He was a member of the 307th Airborne Medical Company who also spent time in the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment both part of the 82nd Airborne Division. There is a wonderful unit history page dedicated to the 307th which can be found at this .
Included in this wonderful named set are the following items:
- Enlisted Man's Ike jacket with interior ink marked J-1302 known as his laundry number with is the first initial of his last name and the last four digits of his ASN. The Patches, ribbons, awards are as follows: Paratrooper Sterling Silver Jump Wings mounted on a rare 307th Medical 82nd Airborne Jump Wing Oval, Combat Medic Badge. Army Good Conduct, European-African-Middle East Campaign Medal Ribbon, American Campaign Medal Ribbon, WWII Victory Medal, Presidential Unit Citation. 82nd Airborne Patch, 508th PIR Patch. Medic Arm Band. The "Belgian Fourragère 1940" which is comprised of one round smooth cord, partially braided, and of TWO other cords, of which one is terminated by a knot and a brass ferret - it is made of wool and cotton for NCOs and EM, and of silk for Officers - all threads are tinted in colors resembling the ribbon of the Belgian Croix de Guerre 1940 (i.e. basic red, dotted with green threads) - the Fourragère encircles the LEFT shoulder and passes under the armpit, and is fixed by 2 tiny loops onto the button of the shoulder loop.
- Overseas officer garrison cap with Parachute Glider patch and small parachute wings pin.
- Khaki Army issue shirt with 508th PIR embroidered patch, 82nd Airborne HQ Jump Wing Oval, 82nd patch and T/4 Chevrons. Shirt is stamped with laundry number J1302
- Original dog tags named to Richard M. Jaymes 43021302.
- 2x Original unattached 508th PIR embroidered patches.
- Original 508th PIR 82nd Airborne Jump Wing Oval.
- 3 x Original unattached 307th Medical 82nd Airborne Jump Wing Oval.
- 4 x Original unattached 82nd Airborne HQ Jump Wing Oval.
- 4 x Original unattached 82nd Airborne patches.
- Original Brass Belt Buckle with Airborne Wings.
- Original Duffie Bag named to Jaymes.
- Multiple wartime and just post war newspapers.
- Two original photographs one of a Paratrooper Jumping (presumably Jaymes) and the other of Jaymes in full paratrooper set up the reverse marked Jaymes in ink script.
- Wartime documents naming Jaymes.
- White silk WWII U.S. paratrooper parachute.
- German made cardboard suitcase.
- Pins, coins, currency, belts, shoe laces, and so much more.
Overall an exceptional Airborne Medic grouping from a soldier who served in the 508th PIR and the 307th Airborne Medical Company!